Students at Norton Hill play an active role in the life of the school community at all levels. They are encouraged to develop their individual leadership skills through a range of opportunities available to them.
House Council
Each House has its own representative body made up of two students from each year group. Students are voted onto the House Council each year by their peers. The House Council meets regularly as a group with the Head of House. They take an active role in organising charity events and forging links within the community. The House Council representatives are also available to other students in the House who want to raise issues with the wider school community. Year 11 students in each House can also apply to become House Captains. These students take a lead in organising many of the activities and in helping the new Year 7 students settle in.
Sports Representatives
Each House votes in two sports representatives from each year group. These students organise the House teams throughout the year and make recommendations for additions and changes to what is offered to students both in terms of facilities and activities. Year 11 students can apply to become Sports Captains. These students take a lead with sport in the House and help the younger students with their teams and to settle in.
School Council
The School Council is made up of representatives from the House Councils and the Head Boy and Head Girl from the Sixth Form. The School Council provides a forum for students to develop whole-school initiatives. They also work with other local organisations to develop the work of students in the community.
Outdoor Education
There has been a fantastic improvement of both the provision and uptake of outdoor pursuit style activities. A huge number of students participate in the Outdoor Education programme. These activities provide an excellent opportunity for students to demonstrate both their teamwork and leadership skills as they take on a variety of roles within a group.
Junior Leadership Awards
Students have the opportunity to take part in either the Junior Sports Leadership Award (JSLA) or the Language Leaders Award. This involves developing and delivering a programme of activities to younger students and the students work closely with local Primary Schools to deliver this.