PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) / RSHE (Relationships, Social and Health Education)

For students to thrive in an increasingly complex and diverse world, they require knowledge and skills to make effective decisions about their lives independently. An effective PSHE curriculum shaped with student personal development at the heart will allow our students to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to stay healthy, safe and prepare them for life and work as citizens in modern day Britain.

An inclusive PSHE curriculum needs to include a variety of statutory concepts and also concepts tailored to suit the needs of the community.

Overarching concepts we must cover include:

  • Relationships and Sex Education

  • Citizenship and British Values

  • Physical Health and Mental Well being

  • Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance

We recognise the importance of getting the PSHE curriculum right for our students, their families and the community as a whole. 


Within this section of the website you will find:

  1. Our Curriculum Overview - click here PSHE Overview

  2. A link to our 3I's (which shows what we intend to do, and how we do it in lessons) - click here 3Is PSHE
  1. An audit of the provision around Relationships, Sex and Health Education - click here Relationships, Sex and Health Education RSHE (Audit) 

  2. An audit of the provision around Child on Child Abuse covered in PSHE curriculum - click here Child on Child Abuse PSHE Curriculum Audit
  1. Most importantly a link to our parental consultation - NH PSHE Parental Consultation 

We really appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts with us and completing the survey. If you wish to discuss any of these topics any further, please get in touch with the school.