Pupil Premium

Norton Hill School acknowledges the need for Pupil Premium students to make as good or better progress than other students in their year group. Without seeking to generalise, these students may encounter greater barriers than other students and staff should seek, wherever possible, to mitigate these barriers. To help ensure the progress of these students, some non-negotiable standards are outlined in our Pupil Premium Policy (see link below). Where required, PP students will receive intervention for literacy and numeracy in addition to their usual lessons.

Norton Hill Pupil Premium Expenditure and Impact Review
Click here to view document

Norton Hill Pupil Premium Implementation Provision Map
Click here to view document

Norton Hill LAC Implementation Provision Map
Click here to view document

Norton Hill Pupil Proposed Spend Report
Click here to view document

Norton Hill Pupil Premium Strategy Statement
Click here to view document

Pupil Premium Policy
Click here to view the Norton Hill Pupil Premium Policy

Universal Support
Click here to view document

PP Funding Letter
Click here to view letter

Senior Member of Staff Responsible for Pupil Premium:
Mrs T Gibbs, Deputy Headteacher

Pupil Premium Order Form