Pastoral Care at Norton Hill School

Pastoral care is a fundamental part of a successful school, it is our duty and intent to ensure that the individual needs of each pupil are met, and each pupil feels happy and safe during their time with us. Here at Norton Hill School we believe we have implemented an environment based on traditional values, where genuine care and concern is at the heart of student achievement.

Norton Hill is a large school, so in order to ensure every student is known and valued we have created the House system.

When a student joins Year 7 they work closely with their Tutor who they will see them twice a day. The Tutor is the first point of contact for the student and parents if worries arise or for information on progress or welfare. The Tutor will normally stay with the Tutor Group from Year 7 through to Year 11. This allows students, parents and the Tutor to build the positive relationship which underpins academic success.

Each of the five Houses contains at least two Tutor Groups from each year and has its own distinctive tie and House area. Students are rightly proud of their House’s identity and take an active role in the running of the House through a number of inter-House competitions, the House Council and charity events.

Each House is managed by a Head of House who is supported by an Assistant Head of House who does not teach. This ensures they are easily accessible for both students and parents. The Houses are each based around an academic area and provide a space where the students from the House can relax at break and lunchtime.

The House system is organised to make sure that every student’s happiness, personal and academic growth are closely monitored and impacted in a positive way.

The Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mrs Gibbs, Assistant Head. 

House Name Blackdown Cotswold Exmoor Mendip Quantock
Tie Colour Purple Yellow Blue Red Green
Head of House Mr Oakwood Mrs Roberts Mr Bocking Mr Wetton Mrs Jubb
Assistant Head of House Mrs Plummer Mrs Green Miss Wise Mrs Graham Mrs Fuller


Quotes from House and Sports Captains:

You have to believe to achieve.
The help and support from our house encourages us to strive for progress, not perfection.
If you get knocked back we will support you to get back up. We are Exmoor and we rise up together. 
Push harder than yesterday so you can get a different tomorrow, do what is right, not what is easy and be the reason to make someone smile. 
Effort and courage are not enough without purpose and direction.
House Emails:

Individual Care

We aim to ensure each student is supported and encouraged to reach the highest standard they are capable of, both in their academic and personal development.

At the core of this lies our monitoring systems and three-way working relationship between students, parents and school staff.

Students’ progress and well-being are continually monitored by both subject staff and the Tutor. Students receive regular mentoring from their Tutor allowing early intervention where necessary if students are not reaching their full potential. Parents are kept fully informed of their child’s progress and can contact the House or subject staff at any point if they have concerns.

Every student is set challenging target levels and grades based on their prior attainment. Their progress towards these is regularly fed back to parents through the progress reports, Parents’ Evening and the annual Full School Report.

Additionally we have an Academic Review in November when the Tutor meets with the student and their parents/guardians to give an overview of progress, strengths and areas for development. During this meeting an action plan is agreed to help the student understand the steps they need to undertake to progress further.

As students move through the school there are additional events where required e.g. Options Evenings and Revision Skills Evening.

Agency Support

For Internal and External Agency Support click HERE

Links with Home

We rely on our close partnership with parents to maintain the high standards and positive atmosphere exhibited by our students.

As you would expect, we ask parents to take an active role in the support of their child’s progress in school. To this end we stress that parents are always welcome to contact and visit the school.

We have a Home-School Agreement which the student, parents and school sign. This outlines the commitment each will make to ensure students make the optimal progress during their time at Norton Hill.

Developing Individual Character - 7 Character Strengths

The 7 Character Strengths underpin the ethos of the school. We want to equip our pupils with the necessary skills to be successful in a rapidly changing world through a challenging and aspirational pastoral programme.

Our 7 Character Strengths are:

  • Curiosity
  • Determination
  • Empathy
  • Enthusiasm
  • Optimism
  • Respect
  • Self-Control

We continually strive to develop these characteristics both inside and outside the classroom. Our aim to ensure that pupils progress into respectful, determined, optimistic and curious individuals who are focused on realising and achieving their potential.

The 7 character strengths are regularly and positively reinforced throughout the year. For example during assemblies, tutor time activities, the behaviour system as well as inter tutor competitions.

The Tutor Programme

Each term every tutor group in the school will develop their individuality through the below activities:

  • Careers Education – discussions, employer visits, College/ 6th form and University visits
  • The 7 Character Strengths – Class discussions and debates, 7 Character Strength Profile, reflection journals, assemblies, inter tutor competitions.
  • Revision – Using revision booklets and subject graphic organisers
  • Mental health and well-being activities – such as rest and recuperate.
  • Literacy – literacy booklets and silent reading
  • PSHE (KS4 only)
  • Academic mentoring – 1 2 1 mentoring with the tutor

 We believe that all pupils at Norton Hill School will learn a lot about themselves in the 5 years that they are here, developing their character during tutor time plays a vital role in ensuring that pupils are ready to live and work in a diverse and challenging world.

The Norton Hill Way

Norton Hill is committed to promoting and ensuring that all students behave in the best manner in order to learn effectively and achieve their maximum potential.

‘The best for all our students. The best from all our students’.

  • Always have RESPECT and consideration for yourself, other pupils, school staff, equipment and the building.
  • Show ENTHUSIASM by engaging with all activities and staff instructions the first time of asking.
  • Show CURIOSITY and a thirst for learning in all areas of your school life.
  • Remain OPTIMISTIC and keep a positive attitude, even in times of challenge.
  • Display DETERMINATION and motivation to reach and exceed your potential in all areas.
  • Show EMPATHY and consideration for others feelings, opinions and personal space.
  • Demonstrate SELF CONTROL, be organised and ready to work, be in the right place at the right time, with the right equipment, uniform and attitude.

Remember you are responsible for your own actions.