‘Schools have an important role to play in supporting the mental health and wellbeing of their pupils, by developing approaches tailored to the particular needs of their pupils.’ - Mental health and wellbeing provision in schools October 2018.
There is an ever increasing rise in the amount of pupils who require support with their emotional and mental health. Here at Norton Hill School we recognise this, and have placed numerous resources and strategies, internally and externally, to ensure we are knowledgeable and well equipped to help pupils and families as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Our role in supporting and promoting positive mental health and wellbeing can be summarised as:
• Prevention: creating a safe and calm environment, improving the mental health and wellbeing of the whole school population. Equipping pupils to be resilient so that they can manage the normal stress of life effectively. Teaching pupils about mental wellbeing through the PSHE curriculum, tutor programme during school assemblies as well as reinforcing this teaching through school activities such as mental health awareness week.
• Identification: recognising potential issues as early and accurately as possible and communicating with pastoral staff who in turn will communicate with parents.
• Early support: helping pupils to access early support and interventions.
• Access to specialist support: working effectively with external agencies to provide swift access or referrals to specialist support and treatment.
At Norton Hill we have been working on a new initiative for offensive language and behaviour to be challenged by staff and pupils. If you feel that someone has said something that has offended you please complete the ouch google form below so this can be addressed as soon as possible. Pupils must be logged into their google account before they can access this form:
Internal support Norton Hill School can offer:
Pupils/ Parents/ Teachers can discuss any concerns they have regarding a pupil’s emotional well-being with the pastoral team. All stakeholders can then make a decision about how best to support the pupil.
Early help internal support:
Early help external support:
If you have any concerns about your child’s emotional and mental health please contact your child’s house staff who will be able to discuss the best approach to support.
Below are some useful websites that parents and pupils can access for additional support as well as a list of downloadable resources.
Please click the link below for information about school nursing.
How to spot county lines exploitation
Please click HERE for information on the Willow Parent Support Group - a supportive space for parents and carers affected by child exploitation or children who are at risk of being exploited.
Mental health is often difficult to talk about but 1 in 10 children have a diagnosed mental health problem. Below we have listed a number of links that offer advice and support.
PDF Guides:
Make it count guide for parents
Make it count guide for pupils
Make it count guide for professionals
Apps to support emotional support
Mental health problems in children and young people
Five top tips to support your mental health when using social media (YouTube)
Kooth - Kooth is a free online service offering emotional and mental health support for children and young people, aged 11-25. Users can have a drop-in chat with a counsellor, therapist or book a one-to-one session. They have a monitored online forum and users can also record a journal.
Off the Record - Off the Record provides free and confidential mental health support, information and workshops for young people aged 11-25 in Bristol. 0808 808 9120
TESS - TESS is a text and email support service that is run by Self Injury Support, which offers help to girls and young women up to 24 in the UK who are affected by self-harm. 0780 047 2908 (Open Sunday - Friday, 7-9pm).
Anorexia & Bulimia Care (ABC) - ABC offers personal, ongoing, emotional support and practical guidance for recovery for people struggling with Anorexia Nervose, Bulimia Nervosa and binge eating, in addition to related self-harm. 03000 11 12 13
BEAT - BEAT is the UK's leading charity supporting anyone affected by eating disorders or difficulties with food, weight and shape. Youthline: 0345 634 7650
Bullying UK - Provides advice on all aspects of bullying. 0808 800 2222
Childline - A 24-hour helpline for children and young people to discuss any issues they're concerned about. 0800 1111
Harmless A voluntary organisation supporting anyone affected by self-harm of suicide.
National Self Harm Network - Support for individuals who self harm to reduce emotional distress and improve their quality of life.
NHS Choices: Young People and Mental Health - An information hub offering young people advice and help on mental health problems including depression, anxiety and stress.
Papyrus - A national charity dedicated to the prevention of suicide among young people. 0800 068 4141
Talk to Frank - Friendly, confidential advice on drugs. 0300 123 6600 / live chat, text: 82111
The Mix - Support and information about how to cope with various issues, whether it's mental health, money, relationships, finding a job, or drugs. 0808 808 4994
Thinkuknow - Supporting positive sexual behaviour
Time to Change - Time to Change is a growing movement of people changing how we all think and act about mental health.
Winston's Wish - A leading childhood bereavement charity offering practical support and guidance to bereaved children, their families and professionals. 08452 03 04 05
Young Minds - Young Minds is the UK's leading charity committed to improving the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people. 020 7089 5050
Guide to online Safety - Guide to safely raising children in an online world
It can seem difficult to keep up-to-date with the technology that children use. You can find out much more information and support about digital technologies here:
Keeping your children safe online:
Click on the below information flyers:
Online Content
Online Conduct
Be Kind Online
Online safety tips for children
Social pressures linked to appearance
Social Media and Mental Health
Setting boundaries around gaming
We have also uploaded some PDF guides. You can view these by clicking the links below:
There is a new website aimed at 11-18s year olds about exploitation/relationships and its advice from the National Crime Agency. This has some useful information around health relationships, online safety, sending nude photos, etc.
For information on Coronavirus please use the following links to access these posters: