‘Everyone who works with children has a responsibility for keeping them safe. No single practitioner can have a full picture of a child’s needs and circumstances and, if children and families are to receive the right help at the right time, everyone who comes into contact with them has a role to play in identifying concerns, sharing information and taking prompt action.’ - Working together to Safeguard Children 2018
Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility. Everyone who comes into contact with children and their families has a role to play to ensure that children are well looked after and feel safe, whilst also considering the best interests of the child.
Norton Hill School has a dedicated team that work together to ensure that all pupils in the school are safeguarded at all times. Those listed below have received training from the Local Safeguarding Children’s Board, received training in the PREVENT Strategy, as well as training on safer recruitment. In addition to regular training members of the team also attend the Local Child Protection Forum to ensure they are up to date with relevant information local to the area as well as national updates and changes to policies. This information is then feedback to staff through regular bulletins.
Sexual violence and sexual harassment is not acceptable at Norton Hill School and will not be tolerated and we will challenge behaviour that is criminal in nature.
Maliciously reporting false claims can take away from those who genuinely need the support and belittles the real issues.
Please do report any incidents of harmful sexual behaviour in or out of school to your child's Head of House or Mrs Gibbs. Concerns will be taken seriously and we will work with victims to access support such as Willow, The Green House Project, The Survivors Trust.
Mrs T Gibbs |
Deputy Head Teacher (Attainment, Progress and Standards) |
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) |
Mr W Davis |
Assistant Head Teacher (Pastoral) |
Deputy Safeguarding Lead |
Mr S Player |
Assistant Head Teacher (Year 6/7 Transition / Extra curricular) |
Deputy Safeguarding Lead |
Mrs K Ward |
Director of Sixth Form |
Designated Safeguarding Lead 6th Form |
Mrs C Oxley-Hughes |
Deputy Director of Sixth Form |
Deputy Safeguarding Lead 6th Form |
Mrs Sarah Baldwin |
Midsomer Norton Schools Partnership Trustee |
Safeguarding Trustee |
Whole school training is given to all staff annually and regular items discussed during staff meetings to ensure all staff are adequately informed about Safeguarding throughout the academic year. All new staff are given safeguarding induction training and the Single Central Record (SCR) is updated to reflect this.
Here at Norton Hill School we feel that the whole school community has a responsibility to ensure that all members are aware of relevant safeguarding issues and how to keep themselves safe. These topics are regularly discussed as part of the PSHE programme, in house and year assemblies, through staff/ pupil/ parent safeguarding updates as well as the through the pastoral tutor programme.
More information about the schools robust approach to safeguarding can be accessed through the school and Trust policies which can be found here.
Relevant policies include:
In addition to school and Trust policies please find a link here to other useful resources such as material on keeping pupils safe online, knife crime and county lines.
Please click here to see our Local Safeguarding Procedures.
If you have any concerns about Safeguarding issues please contact the School Designated Safeguarding Lead, Mrs T Gibbs.
Please click on the below for Guidance from the Local Authority Designated Officer for:
Please click here to see a flyer about the Willow Project in B&NES for parents and carers.
Please click here for a website to support parents with children who are potentially involved in CSE or county lines also a leaflet on How to Spot County lines exploitation here