Exam Results 2024
An impressive set of Sixth Form results - click HERE for our press release.
Students have excelled and achieved a very strong set of results at GCSE - click HERE for our press release.
Exam Timetable and Candidate Information
2025 Summer Timetable - click here
Candidate Information - click here
Exam Information
For exam information please click here
Click here for Exam information and results
Norton Hill tries to ensure that learners of all ages and levels of ability have access to qualifications that enable life-long learning to take place. These qualifications stretch, challenge and motivate the learner. We constantly monitor the appropriateness of these qualifications so that we always offer the most relevant and up-to-date qualifications for our students.
The school uses different exam boards for different subjects but all the rules and regulations are set by the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ). This organisation sets all the rules on behalf of all the exam boards.
Students should be well prepared for their exams and have taken appropriate revision. It is also important that they are aware of the rules and regulations that are imposed during all exams at the school. Please take time to download and read the following guidance that all students MUST follow during the conduct of ALL examinations.
It is most important for us to stress that we have to notify the exam board of any breach of rules. The exam boards will then consider the breach and will, in extreme circumstances, exclude a student from sitting any more exams and cancel any papers that have already been sat.
It is the student’s responsibility to ensure they have all the correct equipment and do not have anything on them in the exam room that breaks the rules including mobile phones, MP3 players or any other electronic device.
The students will be claiming their own grades, it is therefore important that they submit their own work. They must realise that the guidance below not only covers the formal exams that are taken but any coursework that is submitted and the controlled assessments that happen in many subjects.
Examination Certificates
Candidates will receive their certificates in one of the following ways:
• In person at the centre.
• By post to their home address (you will need to supply a stamped addressed large A4 envelope).
• Collected by a nominated representative (your representative must have your written authority and photographic identification that confirms who they are).
Certificates will be retained for a year and then securely destroyed in accordance with Exam Board guidance. Replacement certificates can be obtained directly from exam boards.