Extra Curricular

We firmly believe that high academic achievement goes hand in hand with encouraging young people to develop their skills, attitudes and interests. Thanks to the considerable energy and commitment of our staff, we are able to offer a wide range of extra-curricular activities. Click here to view the Y7-11 Extra Curricular Clubs timetable. The Residents' Handbook - Clubs & Organisations, Midsomer Norton - click here Click here to view the Dance Clubs we offer and how to join.

Activities Week

campOne of the curriculum highlights is Activities Week held during the final week of the Summer Term. This offers an extended learning opportunity for students to develop their skills in a particular area of interest to them. During this week, students can get involved in either School Camp, Languages visits to Europe, Sports week, Arts week, Wild and Wacky Science week, Transforming Texts, Entrepreneurs and Health and Beauty week. There is also an opportunity for all Year 10 students to undertake a work experience placement.


All students are encouraged to take part in team and House sports and we have very high levels of participation. Through the highly qualified PE staff and use of external coaches, we can offer a wide variety of sporting activities at a range of levels.

Students can participate in extra curricular sport through:

  • A wide variety of clubs and school sports teams including football, rugby, netball, hockey, rounders, cross-country, athletics, tennis, cricket, basketball, dance and golf
  • School sports teams
  • Inter-House competitions
  • School Sports Day
  • County and National representative teams. We currently have students in athletics and canoeing competing for the England School teams, students competing nationally in Trampolining and students competing nationally and internationally in Swimming.

Outdoor Pursuits

tentorsNorton Hill is recognised as having the largest outdoor pursuits programmes in the area and we are proud of the number of students and staff who take part each year. These activities build student confidence and leadership skills and are highly valued when students leave the school for Higher Education or the workplace. Outdoor activities available to students include:

  • Year 8 Forest of Dean Residential visit
  • School Camp which is one of the last traditional canvas school camps still running nationally
  • Ten Tors
  • Kielder Challenge
  • Duke of Edinburgh Award - Bronze, Silver & Gold
  • One-day Year 9 Outdoor Skills training
  • Ski Trip
  • Mountain-biking Week
  • Sixth Form trips abroad